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They Crawl Beneath

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MISSIONAt WorldFilmGeek, there is no judging on films based on year, genre, location, and theme. This is an all-inclusive film blog that focuses on world cinema, indie cinema, LGBT+ cinema, and occasional blockbusters. It is all about the movies, no matter where they are from.

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Some lymphocytes become highly motile upon immunological stimulation in vivo or in vitro. When introduced into a culture of 3T3 or L cells and followed by live-cell microscopy, some of these lymphocytes were observed to crawl on top of, along the edges of, and preferentially beneath the attached fibroblasts. The crawling could be as rapid as 20 μm/min, easily detectable without a time-lapse device. The striking ability of crawling lymphocytes to penetrate beneath attached 3T3 cells provided a quantitative means to compare the crawling activity of different lymphocyte populations under various conditions. Crawling was diminished by inhibitors of energy metabolism, by agents that disrupt the cytoskeleton, and by absence of Mg2+ and Ca2+, but not of Ca2+ alone. Crawling lymphocytes were virtually absent in normal thymus and spleen cells. They increased greatly in 5-day mixed lymphocyte cultures and in peritoneal exudate lymphocytes taken after mice had been immunized with allogeneic tumor cells. T cells accounted for most of the crawlers. Of two T-cell leukemias tested, R1+ cells were crawlers whereas EL-4 cells were not. The H-2 haplotype of the 3T3 fibroblasts (i.e., whether syngeneic or allogeneic) had no apparent effect on lymphocyte crawling activity. The crawling may relate to the exploration of cell surface antigens by lymphocytes (immune surveillance), to the mode of action of cytotoxic T cells, to the migration of lymphocytes across blood vessel walls, or to the penetration of lymphocytes into "solid" masses of normal tissue or tumor cells.

Defendant had been under police surveillance for approximately four days; and, on the evening before his arrest, Officer Virgin observed him driving an automobile in which was also riding one Canejo, whom the officer had arrested on a prior occasion. Defendant stopped the car and Weido, whom Virgin had previously questioned regarding narcotic activities, got into the back seat. He rode two blocks and then got out; and, stopped by the officer, he told him that he had been trying to "score" from both of the men but they were out of "stuff."

The next evening a man and a woman, to whom Virgin had previously spoken concerning narcotics, drove up to defendant's house, which the woman entered; and after five minutes, she and defendant were observed in the bathroom where police, through an open window, observed her hold up what appeared to be a hypodermic needle and syringe. Shortly thereafter she left. Police kept the premises under surveillance and an hour later defendant left, walking along the side of the house to a crawl hole underneath. He opened the hole, which was about three feet deep and two and one-half feet wide, placed his arm inside, drew it out and locked the screen which covered it. Officers stopped defendant as he walked from it to his car; and as Officer Virgin talked to him he noted defendant's eyes were pinpointed. C


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