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Valentine Ignatov
Valentine Ignatov

Search Results For Watch Dog

Though everyone knows Google pays Apple, Samsung, and other manufacturers billions of dollars to make its web search engine the default on devices, it has not been reported until now that the CMA has been looking into Chrome on iOS and its role in a search revenue sharing deal Google has with Apple.

Search results for watch dog


The British competition watchdog is worried that Google's payments to Apple discourage the iPhone maker from competing with Google. Substantial payments for doing nothing incentivize more of the same, it's argued.

This perhaps explains why Apple, though hugely profitable, has not launched a rival search engine or invested in the development of its Safari browser to the point that it could become a credible challenger to Chrome.

Google pays Apple a share of the search revenue it earns from browser traffic on iOS in the following contexts: in return for being the default search provider on Safari, Google pays Apple a share of revenue derived from Safari search traffic; and pursuant to various commercial arrangements, Google pays Apple a share of revenue derived from [x] search traffic.

The CMA identified Safari because it has long been known that Google pays rival browser makers Apple and Mozilla to ensure that Google Search is the default search engine upon installation of their respective web browsers.

Given this revenue share, when [x] or Safari is successful in competing for an iOS user, rather than winning a full share of the search traffic revenue it only wins a partial share (ie the revenue to which it was not previously entitled). These revenue sharing arrangements therefore dampen incentives for competition between browsers on iOS.

Reached by phone, attorney Joseph M. Alioto, who filed the private antitrust lawsuit, told The Register it would not surprise him to learn that Google has been paying Apple for search revenue derived from Chrome. He said Google's deal with Apple, which began at $1 billion per year, reached as high as $15 billion annually in 2021.

Polden said the UK CMA's findings may inform antitrust actions in America against the two companies, though he said those cases may be focused on other aspects of anticompetitive conduct in the search and advertising markets, and there's a limited amount of anticompetitive conduct the government can try to address.

A Watch, Guard or Patrol Agency furnishes for hire watchpersons, guards, or private patrolpersons to protect persons or property from theft, concealment, or misappropriation of goods, wares and merchandise, money, valuable documents, or articles of value; and procure the return of such items. It is the responsibility of licensees to understand the Private Investigators, Bail Enforcement Agents, Watch, Guard or Patrol Agencies and Security Guards License Law. Term of licensure is two years.

Note: Private Investigator, Watch Guard and Patrol Agency, and Armored Car Carrier can only be searched by business name or UID#. Individual qualifying officers are NOT displayed and cannot be searched.

WATCH D.O.G.S are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for a least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school.  During the day, WATCH D.O.G.S may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways,  assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well.  Program benefits are: 

WATCH D.O.G.S are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for a least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school. During the day, WATCH D.O.G.S may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Program benefits are:

Watchdogs are helpful for this purpose. Watchdogs can abort individual Vision functions or entire code sections with several functions after a certain time. Some TwinCAT Vision functions can be aborted during execution and return the partial results calculated up to that point. If several functions are monitored by a watchdog, all remaining functions within the watchdog range are skipped when the specified time has elapsed. However, the subsequent functions (after the watchdog area) are executed normally again.

In the sample below, a watchdog is started with a stop time of 10 ms relative to the call of the watchdog function. If, for example, the cycle time is 20 ms, 4 ms have already passed in the current task cycle when F_VN_StartRelWatchdog is called and the watchdog is started with a stop time tStop of 10 ms relative to the current time, then the watchdog stops the monitored functions (i.e. any function called between the start and stop of the watchdog) after 14 ms of the current cycle have elapsed.

Scenario: The function F_VN_Threshold is not dependent on the image content (only on the number of pixels) and therefore only takes 1 ms, but the lighting conditions have changed unfavorably, so that F_VN_FindContours would take longer than 9 ms. Therefore the watchdog stops F_VN_FindContours, which nevertheless returns the contours found so far. The watchdog runtime information could then be as follows:

In this case, an estimated handling percentage of 70% was calculated when the function was aborted. The remaining time is negative, i.e. the planned stop time was exceeded by 50 us, so that after the function F_VN_StopWatchdog 14050 us have passed since the start of the task cycle, instead of the planned 14000 us. This overrun is due to the fact that the partial results of the function that have already been calculated are to continue to be used. Therefore, on the one hand the algorithm can only be aborted at specific points, on the other hand the previous results must be organized and returned. The maximum overrun generally depends on the specific function and the image content. In a program, the termination time should therefore always be selected such that a safety buffer remains at the end of the task cycle.

In the following code, the analyst is joining these two tables on their keys, which produces output of one trillion results, and all of these are produced on a single executor (the executor that gets the " " key):

In 2006 Consumer Watchdog, through its attorney the Public Patent Foundation, also challenged three patents held by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) that cover fundamental stem cell lines and techniques.[27] The patent office found that none of the patents could stand as they were, but WARF narrowed the claims of all three patents, and the resulting claims were upheld in 2008.[28] Consumer Watchdog was able to appeal on only one of the patents, and it did so, and in 2010 the appeals board decided that the amended claims of the patent were not patentable.[29] However, WARF was able to re-open prosecution of the case and did so, amending the claims again to make them more narrow, and in January 2013 the amended claims were allowed.[30] In July 2013, Consumer Watchdog announced that it would appeal the decision to allow the claims of the '913 patent to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC), the federal appeals court that hears patent cases.[31] At a hearing in December 2013, the CAFC raised the question of whether Consumer Watchdog had legal standing to appeal; the case could not proceed until that issue was resolved.[32]

Google later agreed to fix the privacy problems in its Chrome browser, which it claimed were inadvertent,[citation needed] as well as other, larger privacy changes.[citation needed] In November 2009 Google launched a dashboard[37] offering consumers better knowledge of and control over their information on Googles various services. In January 2010 the company began offering SSL encryption using the HTTPS protocol as the default mode for its Gmail service.[38] In May the company began offering an encrypted SSL connection for its search engine as an option. In 2011, Google entered into an overhaul of its privacy policies in a settlement with the FTC that addressed many of the privacy issues Consumer Watchdog has raised.[39]

  • Linux 2.6 (inotify)macOS (FSEvents, kqueue)

  • FreeBSD/BSD (kqueue)

  • Windows (ReadDirectoryChangesW with I/O completion ports;ReadDirectoryChangesW worker threads)

  • OS-independent (polling the disk for directory snapshots and comparing themperiodically; slow and not recommended)

Note that when using watchdog with kqueue, you need thenumber of file descriptors allowed to be opened by programsrunning on your system to be increased to more than thenumber of files that you will be monitoring. The easiest wayto do that is to edit your /.profile file and adda line similar to:

This is an inherent problem with kqueue because it usesfile descriptors to monitor files. That plus the enormousamount of bookkeeping that watchdog needs to do in orderto monitor file descriptors just makes this a painful wayto monitor files and directories. In essence, kqueue isnot a very scalable way to monitor a deeply nesteddirectory of files and directories with a large number offiles.

Vim does not modify files unless directed to do so.It creates backup files and then swaps them in to replacethe files you are editing on the disk. This means thatif you use Vim to edit your files, the on-modified eventsfor those files will not be triggered by watchdog.You may need to configure Vim appropriately to disablethis feature.

  • Python 3.7 or above.XCode (only on macOS when installing from sources)

  • PyYAML (only for watchmedo)

LicensingWatchdog is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0.

  • Dropped support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3Emitters that failed to start are now removed

  • [snapshot] Removed the deprecated walker_callback argument,use stat instead

  • [watchmedo] The utility is no more installed by default but via the extrawatchdog[watchmedo]

Other Changes 041b061a72


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